12 February 2006

The Start

OK, as a new blogger, I'm still trying to figure out how to do some of this like putting up pics and that kind of thing. As I thought about my first entry, I reflected on the myriad of things that could be a start....a culinary mishap perhaps, or a random thought. Instead, I decided to write about my day. I usually start jogging at a place called lover's point near my house and run along the beach towards the wharf, but a coworker asked if I had ever gone the other way from lover's point to the lighthouse and golf course. Today, after jogging the normal route, I went for a walk in the opposite direction, and was astounded by the incredible beauty of the ocean and the trail my friend told me about. The roar and crash of the ocean waves on rocks surrounded by nature, and the peace and calm it always brings. It reminded me of what happens when I get stuck in a rut or routine. It is also beautiful but if I made the choice to never change or try something new, then I would have missed out on an area even more beautiful and refreshing. How many times in my life have I dragged my feet to go in a different direction, even though I trusted God had the right thing in store for me? Every time it has been like today with what the change brings being better than where I was at.


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