02 March 2009


On Saturday, i was able to go snowshoeing through the recreation department. Normally, t and I would go on our own, but he was on a business trip so I signed up. It was alot of fun! WE went up to Hurricane Ridge and snowshoed to Hurricane Hill. There was a part on the edge of the mountain that was a little bit interesting. Once we hit the top the wind was blowing so hard and the snow was hitting us like little ice pellets. There was a unusual looking cloud ahead of us, so our guide made the decision to turn around, and it was a good one. It started snowing right when we were almost back. We went about 6 miles, I was definitely starting to feel it at the end and almost tripped a couple of times. I did cross the back of my snowshoes once (they are longer than ones I have used before) and fell, and I kind of wonder about the waterproofness of my pants, but still a really fun day, clear and pretty warm. I did come home and go in the hot tub and watch a movie the rest of the night though.


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