For the capital of a state, downtown Charleston is pretty small, although some parts are really pretty. We went and visited one of the historic houses there, and they had done a beautiful job of restoring it. It was called the Nathaniel Russell house after the father of the family who built it. These are pictures of the front of the house. The house itself had been home to three different families, a finishing school and then a convent school. Surprisingly enough, the free flying staircase was still standing and in beautiful condition. We also just walked around town, if I may say, stay on Meeting St and the streets on the east of it up to the water front. We walked over to King street and just thought it was kind of dirty. It is crazy how one street can make a difference in looks, from historic and nice to something that looks like downtown San Francisco. Anyway, there are houses that still have the original bricks from 150 years ago, and original cobblestone streets. It was fun...a bit crowded on Friday nights, but still good.
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