11 June 2006

A Faux Pax

I think that is how you spell that word. O.k. It all happened last week at church. I will make no excuses for this, although I have a few. Anyway, the first Sunday of the month is communion, and I had received my bread and grape juice and was praying and preparing my heart to partake, when it happened. To those of you who know me well, remember what happens if I sit too long and close my eyes....hmmm. Anyway, as I'm preparing, I suddenly jerked from something wet hitting my lap. Yep, fell asleep and my hand tilted with the glass of juice. Not only was I embarrassed, I felt horrible for falling asleep during church while praying. Since we always have communion at the end of the service, I spent donut hour sitting down (although the fact that I was wearing black pants helped hide it.


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