24 August 2009

Biking the Pass

Mt. Rainier

T and I went to Mt. Rainier a couple of weekends ago and had a great time. We had no idea it was so close, and T really wanted to bike up the pass. I got to be the driver. I don't think the camry has ever been started or stopped so many times (I took lots of pictures). the only bummer was that it was a nice day, but the fog had rolled in on the top of the mountain, so they are cool pics but can't see the top. Apparently there is a serious lack of available campsites if you don't reserve them ahead of time, but we decided just to drive home. It really is closer than we expected. WE also had an interesting dinner. T wanted pizza so we pulled over at a railroad car that said pizza, burgers. I looked at the menu, ordered and then looked around. I really wish I had looked around first. I'm not sure how they have passed health inspections. I asked Todd if he still wanted to eat there (he had just seen the lady (with her hair unrestrained and unknown cleanliness of hands start throwing our pizza with no gloves and I think long nails.) He was still ok with it. Yep, one of our riskier dinners but we came out unscathed, but have agreed that for $20 even if we don't get our money back, we won't eat in a place like that again and if either one of us was ever uncomfortable that we would leave. I've eaten in some sketchy places in other countries, but I just don't expect them here. Still, it was a great day and lots of fun! I really enjoyed myself.

12 August 2009

A new neice!!

Hi Everyone!! I know it has been a while since I have updated but I am going to try to make it better. I have to stop waiting until I have pictures. Two weeks ago, baby M joined my brother's family, and she has two very proud big sisters. I am looking forward to getting down to visit in the near future and will try to take pictures.