Two weekends ago, T, E and I went up to New Hampshire and trekked up Mt. WAshington. It is known to have the worst weather of anywhere in the world, but we chose a day that actually had sunshine. We took a little longer route to the top because we wanted to avoid the crowds. We went up the Boott Spur trail to the summit and then came down Tuckerman's Ravine. I think in the first two miles up the trail, we must have climbed 3,000-3,500 feet, It was steep, and really, there wasn't much of what one would call a trail. It was more like a path of rocks and you went from rock to rock all the way up to the top; same thing on the way down. It was fun, but I was wearing new boots and got blisters and my feet really started to hurt. I have never hiked in boots with a shank running down the middle, so really I coudlnt quite bend my ankles and I was doing the whole thing kind of flat footed. Part way down, I changed to my tennis shoes and had a much better time on the hike. Hopefully, the boots will break in and be easier to use...my balance was completely messed up and as you can see from the
pictures I looked kind of goofy using my arms to help balance. I also walked kind of flat footed the day after, and I had to convince my legs to bend a bit more. New Hampshire is beautiful country, and we had a lot of fun.
We also lost E's peak penguin, who has summited quite a few mountains with E, and it was funny to see T & E reaching their hands into the rocks to find it. They were successful and found a lot of other items in the same hole as Peak Penguin.